Returns & Exchanges

We want you to be completely delighted with your purchase. If for any reason you're not satisfied, we're here to help.

Returns & Exchanges Policy:

  • You have 14 days from the date you receive your order to initiate a return or exchange.

  • Items must be returned in their original condition.

  • Please contact us to start the return process. We'll provide you with detailed instructions on how to proceed.

  • Shipping costs for returns are the responsibility of the customer, unless the return is due to an error on our part.

  • Once we receive the returned item and confirm its condition, we'll issue a refund to your original method of payment, or process your exchange for another item from our collection.


  • If you wish to exchange your item for a different piece from our shop, we're happy to facilitate this. Simply let us know what you'd like to exchange for, and we'll handle the rest.


  • Refunds will be processed within 5-10 business days of receiving your returned item, depending on your bank's processing times.

We deeply appreciate your understanding and thank you for choosing our art to enhance your living spaces. If you have any questions or need further assistance, please do not hesitate to reach out.